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Local information - Groups that support people and relatives of those with a brain injury

From your answers you have indicated that you would like more information about brain injury.

You can find out information from NHS Inform by visiting www.nhsinform.co.uk/ and searching for brain injuries.

Headway is the UK-wide charity that works to improve life after brain injury. For further information about headway, please get in touch using the information below.

Contact information
Email: helpline@headway.org.uk
Phone: 0808 800 2244

Alternatively, you can contact Fife Traumatic Brain Injury Service using the following contact details.

Contact information
01383 602201
70 Stenhouse Street, Cowdenbeath, Fife, KY4 9AZ

Fife also have a team of Rehabilitation and Mobility Officers who deal with people with a sensory impairment. They can provide information and practical advice, including mobility training and independent living skills training.

They can be contacted through your local Social Work Office.

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