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Transport to and from hospital

Each patient should be able to get to and from the hospital in a reasonable time and in reasonable comfort without detriment to their medical condition.

The majority of patients coming to the hospital for an appointment do not need professional help to do this and are able to transport themselves. Sometimes it may be difficult or inconvenient because of transport issues (the need to catch more than one bus), but it is achievable.

Information about local bus services are available from Fife Direct, please visit www.fifedirect.org.uk/. Alternatively, you can also find out more from Traveline Scotland by using the details below.

Contact information
Traveline Scotland
Phone: 08712002233

Train service information can also be found at www.scotrail.co.uk/.

For some patients, travelling to hospital by public transport is impossible because of their medical condition. For these patients, there is a non-emergency transport service that offers them the ability to get to and from hospital with trained medical personnel who can assist them throughout their journey.

Non-emergency patient transport will only be arranged where it is judged that the patient’s health would suffer through the use of public or private transport.

If you feel that you need patient transport, but are unsure if you are eligible, please speak to your doctor. To arrange transport for your appointment, please visit www.onyourdoorstepfife.org/ for a list of services which are available.

Please remember that you may be asked questions to determine your eligibility for transport each time you call.

If you have a medical need, or have limited mobility, you can request transport from the Scottish Ambulance Service to and from your healthcare appointment up to 28 days in advance. 

If you'd like to get in contact, please use the information below.

Contact information
Scottish Ambulance Service
Phone: 0300 123 1236
by phoning 0300 123 1236

The Fife Forum also provides information on the RVS Good Neighbours scheme which is a Fife wide rate (£0.60 pence per mile to cover cost of transport). To find out more, please use the following details.

Contact information
Fife Forum
Email: 01592 269654

For further information on concessionary travel, please visit www.fifedirect.org.uk/.

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