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Arm curl

This exercise requires a resistance band, which you can purchase from most reputable online and high street sports shops and catalogue retailers (the colour of the bands reflects the level of resistance). Alternatively you could try using a pair of tights.

Make sure that you are warm before you begin.

  • Sit tall, towards the front of your chair, with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Stand on one end of the band with both feet.
  • Hold the other end with your thumbs pointed towards the ceiling.
  • Start with your arm straight and far enough down the band so that there is already some tension on it.
  • Slowly lift the hand towards the shoulder, keeping the elbow in contact with the body.
  • Lower slowly back to the start position.

Each repetition should be controlled, taking about 4 to 6 seconds, so that the muscles are worked properly. Aim for 6 to 8 repetitions, then repeat with the other arm.

You can perform this with a tin of beans, or a water bottle, if you do not have a resistance band.

Try to do this exercise every other day.


You take responsibility for your own exercise programme. All content should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your G.P. or any other health care professional. Please ensure you take all steps to ensure your personal safety and to minimise any risk while doing the exercises.

Individuals using these exercises do so at their own risk.

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