Equipment Catalogue
Solo Bedstick
Loaning this equipment
This equipment can be loaned from Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, however we don’t know if this is suitable for you until you tell us more about yourself.
Where to buy
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The Solo Bedstick consists of coated steel tubes which pass under the mattress and then the looped handles extend up on either side of the mattress. The tube is telescopic so it adjusts from 90cm (36") to 150cm (60"). One end of the loop can be turned down if it would be in the way of someone else using the bed. Max user weight 127kg (20st).Helpful advice
Hints and tips for bed sticks and bed rails
If you sleep by yourself, in a single bed a double loop handle bed stick or bed rails can be very useful to help you turn, sit and stand up more easily. If the bed stick is not needed on one side of the bed (for example if sleeping with another adult) it can be turned down towards the floor. WARNING: We strongly advise that you do not use a bed stick/loop if you share your bed with a child, as this can cause injury/entrapment.
This product may effect other people
Products you buy are specifically for you and may not be suitable for other people in your home. For instance, a piece of equipment that you rely on, could be in someone else's way. If the other people in your home cannot use the same product as you, seek further advice. You may be able to obtain products that would suit you and your partner.
Help with fitting
Positioning a bed stick
If you use a bed stick, please ensure that it is fitted tight up against the mattress and that the clips are fully through the frame.