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Fife Direct
Fife Direct gives you easy access to information about the range of public services, news and events in Fife provided by Fife's public, voluntary and community organisations. Fife Direct is for everyone who lives, works and plays in Fife.
On Your Doorstep
Search for community groups, organisations, information, and support in Fife.
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You have answered that your clothes size has increased in the last 3-6 months.
If this has happened without you trying to, and is something that you would like help with you may find that exercising or participating in group activities may help. If you don’t feel confident, we have found going with someone you know might help.
Fife offer a scheme which gives price reductions on sport, leisure and cultural activities. To find out more, please visit and search for Fifestyle.
The On Your Doorstep Website contains information about healthy living and getting active. You'll find lots of handy tips on healthy living to help you to improve your diet and your fitness.
To find out more, please visit
Further information about Active Options fitness classes, which are suitable for those with various health conditions, can be accessed by visiting
On Your Doorstep is the leading mental health charity for Fife. They campaign vigorously to create a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all - a society where people with experience of mental distress are treated fairly, positively and with respect.
For more information, please contact them using the information below.
Contact information
Website: On Your Doorstep
Phone: 01334 657421
If you would like help and advice about your career then you can contact the Fife Careers Centre using the following details.
Contact information
Website: Fife Carers Centre
Phone: 01592 205472