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Hearing - Local information
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People may lose interest in going out for a whole variety of reasons, including illness, bereavement or an unexpected life event.
If you are worried about this you can speak to your GP for advice and support. Your GP may also be able to find out if there are any local support groups in Fife.
You can also contact Alzheimer's Scotland for additional support and advice if you are concerned about your memory in particular.
Samaritans is a local service that promotes well-being by providing information or arranging a time to meet up and talk. If you would like to contact their national service, please use the information below.
Contact information
Website: Samaritans
Email: jo@samaritans.org
For more local support, please get in touch with the Samaritans office for your area.
Organisation: Samaritans Dunfermline
Phone: 01383 722222
Organisation: Samaritans Kirkcaldy
Phone: 01592 654242
To search for community groups, organisations, information and support in Fife please visit www.onyourdoorstepfife.org/.